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support etc

  • 1 support

    تَحَمَّلَ \ abide: to bear: I can’t abide that smell. bear, (bore, borne): to support: This ice will not bear your weight, (usu. with can) to suffer without complaining (sth. that hurts or displeases) I can’t bear that woman. He bore the pain bravely. carry: to support: This bridge will not carry the weight of a bus. endure: to bear (pain, trouble, etc.): Stop that noise! I can’t endure it any longer. hold out: to last: Do you think this old car will hold out until we reach London? The town was surrounded but the people held out till help came. put up with: to bear without complaining: If you live near an airport, you have to put up with the noise. stand: to bear; suffer without complaint: How can you stand that noise? I can’t stand that man! (I dislike him very much), (of things; also stand up) to suffer without becoming worn or broken, etc. A leather football will stand (up to) a lot of kicking. support: to bear the weight of; hold up: A table is supported by its legs. That branch will not support your weight. tolerate: to bear; accept without complaint: I can’t tolerate heat. He can’t tolerate badly cooked food. wear: (of material) to last; not be damaged by use: Leather bags wear better than plastic ones. withstand: to bear (weight, pressure, an attack, etc.) without weakening. \ See Also أطاق (أَطاقَ)، عانى (عَانى)، صمد (صَمَدَ)، صبر على (صَبَرَ على)، دام (دَامَ)، قاوم (قاوَم)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > support

  • 2 support

    أَيَّدَ \ advocate: to speak in support or favour of (an idea, a course of action, etc.): Most doctors advocate regular exercise as a way of keeping healthy. back: to support; say that sb. will win: I’m backing him in this race. back up: to support: They won’t believe me unless you back me up. side: (with with) to support in a quarrel: They sided with us against our enemies. stand by: to support (sb. in trouble) faithfully: His friends stood by him, even when he was sent to prison. stand up for: (also stick up for) to speak in defence of: If you are wrongly blamed, you must stand up for yourself. support: to help; strengthen; be in favour of: If you all support me, I shall win the election. uphold: to support: The judge upheld the decision of the lower court. \ See Also دَافَعَ عن، ناصر (نَاصَر)، دَعى إلى، دعم (دَعَم)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > support

  • 3 support

    1. verb
    1) to bear the weight of, or hold upright, in place etc:

    That chair won't support him / his weight

    He limped home, supported by a friend on either side of him.

    يَسْنِد، يَحْمِل
    2) to give help, or approval to:

    His family supported him in his decision.

    يَدْعَم، يُسانِد، يُؤَيِّد
    3) to provide evidence for the truth of:

    The second witness supported the statement of the first one.

    يُعَزِّز، يُؤَيِّد
    4) to supply with the means of living:

    He has a wife and four children to support.

    2. noun
    1) the act of supporting or state of being supported:

    I would like to say a word or two in support of his proposal.

    دَعْم، تأييد
    2) something that supports:

    One of the supports of the bridge collapsed.

    سِناد، دِعامَه، رَكيزَه

    Arabic-English dictionary > support

  • 4 Support

    Sup|port [sə'poːɐt, sə'pɔrt]
    m -s, no pl (COMPUT ETC)
    * * *
    Support [səˈpɔrt] m; -s, kein pl; IT support

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Support

  • 5 С-576

    НА ВСЕ СТО highly coll PrepP Invar fixed WO
    1. верить кому, соглашаться с кем, поддерживать кого и т. п. \С-576 бытье каким \С-576. Also: НА ВСЕ СТО ПРОЦЕНТОВ coll ( adv or nonagreeing modif) (to believe, agree with, support etc s.o.) fully
    (be) absolutely...: (agree with (support etc) s.o.) one (a) hundred percent (believe (agree with etc) s.o.) completely (and utterly) (support s.o. etc) to the hilt (as modif only) complete total through and through.
    «Ты права, дочка, на все сто процентов», - решил Саф-ронов (Платонов 1). "You are right, girl, one hundred percent," Safronov decided (1a).
    «А вы соглашаетесь с вашим собеседником?» — осведомился неизвестный, повернувшись вправо к Бездомному. «На все сто!» - подтвердил тот... (Булгаков 9). "And do you agree with your friend?" inquired the unknown man, turning to Bezdomny on his right. "A hundred percent!" affirmed the poet... (9b).
    Он (Марлен Михайлович) был действительно своим в верховном учреждении, на все сто своим... (Аксёнов 7). Не (Marlen Mikhailovich) was completely at home with them (the upper echelons), completely and utterly... (7a).
    2. approv (nonagreeing modif
    the resulting phrase is subj-compl with copula ( subj: any common noun or a person's name)) (a person, thing etc is) of the highest merit, extremely good
    first-rate A 1 (A-l) of the first order topnotch.
    ...Виктор Колтыга - парень на все сто. Разве он виноват, что ростом вышел лучше, чем я, и возрастом солидней, и профессия у него земная? Морякам в любви никогда не везло (Аксёнов 1)....Victor Koltyga is an A-1 guy. Is it his fault that he grew more than I did, and he's a more respectable age, and he has a job on land? Sailors have never been lucky in love (1a).
    (to do sth., sth. is done, sth. turns out) very well: (do) a first-rate (first-class, bang-up etc) job
    s.o. couldn't do sth. better (be a better NP) sth. couldn't have been (have turned out, have been done etc) better.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > С-576

  • 6 на все сто

    НА ВСЕ СТО highly coll
    [PrepP; Invar; fixed WO]
    1. верить кому, соглашаться с кем, поддерживать кого и т.п. на все сто; быть каким на все сто. Also: НА ВСЕ СТО ПРОЦЕНТОВ coll [adv or nonagreeing modif]
    (to believe, agree with, support etc s.o.) fully; (be) absolutely...:
    - (agree with (support etc) s.o.) one (a) hundred percent;
    - (believe (agree with etc) s.o.) completely (and utterly);
    - (support s.o. etc) to the hilt;
    - [as modif only] complete;
    - through and through.
         ♦ "Ты права, дочка, на все сто процентов", - решил Сафронов (Платонов 1). "You are right, girl, one hundred percent," Safronov decided (1a).
         ♦ "А вы соглашаетесь с вашим собеседником?" - осведомился неизвестный, повернувшись вправо к Бездомному. "На все сто!" - подтвердил тот... (Булгаков 9). "And do you agree with your friend?" inquired the unknown man, turning to Bezdomny on his right. "A hundred percent!" affirmed the poet... (9b).
         ♦...Он [Марлен Михайлович] был действительно своим в верховном учреждении, на все сто своим... (Аксёнов 7). Не [Marlen Mikhailovich] was completely at home with them [the upper echelons], completely and utterly... (7a).
    2. approv [nonagreeing modif; the resulting phrase is subj-compl with copula (subj: any common noun ora person's name)]
    (a person, thing etc is) of the highest merit, extremely good:
    - A1 < A-1>;
    - topnotch.
         ♦...Виктор Колтыга - парень на все сто. Разве он виноват, что ростом вышел лучше, чем я, и возрастом солидней, и профессия у него земная? Морякам в любви никогда не везло (Аксёнов 1).... Victor Koltyga is an A-1 guy. Is it his fault that he grew more than I did, and he's a more respectable age, and he has a job on land? Sailors have never been lucky in love (1a).
    3. [adv]
    (to do sth., sth. is done, sth. turns out) very well:
    - (do) a first-rate (first-class, bang-up etc) job;
    - s.o. couldn't do sth. better (be a better [NP];
    - sth. couldn't have been (have turned out, have been done etc) better.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > на все сто

  • 7 на все сто процентов

    НА ВСЕ СТО highly coll
    [PrepP; Invar; fixed WO]
    1. верить кому, соглашаться с кем, поддерживать кого и т.п. на все сто процентов; быть каким на все сто процентов. Also: НА ВСЕ СТО ПРОЦЕНТОВ coll [adv or nonagreeing modif]
    (to believe, agree with, support etc s.o.) fully; (be) absolutely...:
    - (agree with (support etc) s.o.) one (a) hundred percent;
    - (believe (agree with etc) s.o.) completely (and utterly);
    - (support s.o. etc) to the hilt;
    - [as modif only] complete;
    - through and through.
         ♦ "Ты права, дочка, на все сто процентов", - решил Сафронов (Платонов 1). "You are right, girl, one hundred percent," Safronov decided (1a).
         ♦ "А вы соглашаетесь с вашим собеседником?" - осведомился неизвестный, повернувшись вправо к Бездомному. "На все сто!" - подтвердил тот... (Булгаков 9). "And do you agree with your friend?" inquired the unknown man, turning to Bezdomny on his right. "A hundred percent!" affirmed the poet... (9b).
         ♦...Он [Марлен Михайлович] был действительно своим в верховном учреждении, на все сто своим... (Аксёнов 7). Не [Marlen Mikhailovich] was completely at home with them [the upper echelons], completely and utterly... (7a).
    2. approv [nonagreeing modif; the resulting phrase is subj-compl with copula (subj: any common noun ora person's name)]
    (a person, thing etc is) of the highest merit, extremely good:
    - A1 < A-1>;
    - topnotch.
         ♦...Виктор Колтыга - парень на все сто. Разве он виноват, что ростом вышел лучше, чем я, и возрастом солидней, и профессия у него земная? Морякам в любви никогда не везло (Аксёнов 1).... Victor Koltyga is an A-1 guy. Is it his fault that he grew more than I did, and he's a more respectable age, and he has a job on land? Sailors have never been lucky in love (1a).
    3. [adv]
    (to do sth., sth. is done, sth. turns out) very well:
    - (do) a first-rate (first-class, bang-up etc) job;
    - s.o. couldn't do sth. better (be a better [NP];
    - sth. couldn't have been (have turned out, have been done etc) better.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > на все сто процентов

  • 8 σκήπτομαι

    Grammatical information: v.
    Meaning: `to support oneself, to lean, to pretend something, to use as a pretention', σκήπτω, fut. σκήψω, aor. σκῆψαι, pass. σκηφθῆναι, perf. ἐπ-έσκηφα, pass. ἐπ-έσκημμαι `to throw down, to sling', intr. `to throw oneself down, to fall down', often w. prefix (almost only act.), κατα-, ἐπι-, ἀπο-, ἐν- (IA.); ἐπι-σκήπτω also `to impose, to command', midd. (Att. juridical language) `to object, to prosecute, to raise a complaint'.
    Other forms: Fut. σκήψομαι, aor. σκήψασθαι.
    Derivatives: σκῆψις f. `excuse, pretention, pretext' (IA.), ἐπίσκηψις f. `objection, complaint' (Att.); ἀπόσκημμα ἀπέρεισμα H. (A. Fr. 18 = 265 M.), ἐπίσκημμα = ἐπίσκηψις ( Lex. Rhet. Cant.). Further several expressions for `stick etc.': 1. σκᾶπος κλάδος, καὶ ἄνεμος ποιός H. (on the last-mentioned des. s. σκηπτός). 2. σκηπ-άνη f. (AB) with - άνιον n. `stick, scepter' (Ν 59, Σ 247, Call. Fr. anon. 48, AP), σκαπάνιον βακτηρία, ἄλλοι σκίπωνα H. 3. σκᾶπτον n. (Dor.) `id.' (Pi.), IA. σκῆπτον in σκηπτ-οῦχος `stick-, scepter-bearer' = `ruler' (Hom. a. o.), with the Persians a. other Asiat. peoples who has a high office at the court (Semon., X a. o.) with - ία f. (A. a. o.). 4. σκῆπτρον n. `id.' (ep. poet. Il.; like βάκτρον a. o., Schwyzer 532 w. lit., Chantraine Form. 331); on the meaning etc. see Combellack ClassJourn. 43, 209ff., Gatti Acme 2: 3, 23 ff. On itself, with deviant meaning 5. σκηπτός m. `thunderbolt, lightning, suddenly breaking storm' (trag., X., D., Arist. a. o.); cf. φρυκτός, στρεπ-τός; s. also below.
    Origin: LW [a loanword which is (probably) not of Pre-Greek origin]X [probably] Eur. substr.
    Etymology: With σκήπτω: σκῆψαι: σκᾶπος cf. e.g. κόπτω: κόψαι: κόπος, τύπτω: τύψαι: τύπος. The yot-present σκήπτω is formally easily understandable as deriv. of a noun σκᾶπος (*σκά̄ψ?) `stick'; so prop. *'handle with the stick, supporting, driving or swinging' (Walde LEW2 s. scāpus, Persson Beitr. 2, 941, WP. 2, 561)?; semant. possible, though not immediately clear. Then not only σκᾶπος, but also σκηπάνη, - άνιον, σκᾶπτον and σκῆπτρον would have to be registered with the s. σκάπτω discussed manyfold expressions for `plane, hew, dig etc.'; only for σκηπτός (as for σκῆψις, σκῆμμα) one would have to start, because of the meaning, from the denominative σκήπτω (even from the presentstem?). In the sense of ' ἄνεμος ποιός' (H.) σκᾶπος would have been influnced by σκηπτός. A primary σκήπτω with the meaning `support' (from where then σκᾶπος as *'support' etc.) would be without non-Greek support. The Greek system with permanent full grade is in any case an innovation; the for σκᾶπτον, σκῆπτ(ρ)ον epected zero grade may be found in the Germ. word for `shaft, spear, lance', OHG skaft m., OWNo. skapt n. a. o.; cf. anal. πηκτός beside old Ion. πᾰκτόω (s. πήγνυμι). -- With σκᾶπος can be equated Lat. scāpus `shaft, stalk' and Alb. shkop `stick, sceptre'. Other longvowel forms, for Greek uninteresting, are: with ō Lat. scōpa `thin twig', scōpiō `the stalk, from which hang the berries of the wine-grapes'; with ē CS. štapъ `stick'; unclear Latv. šk̨èps `spear, javelin' (cf. Vasmer s. štap; diff. W. Hofmann s. scāpus). Further rich material with partly hypothetical or doubtful combinations and extensive lit. in WP. 2, 561 f., Pok. 932; on Greek esp. Solmsen Wortforsch. 206 ff. -- Not here σκίπων and σκίμπτομαι. -- The word could be IE (* sk(e)h₂p-, but I think also of a loan from a Eur. substrate; cf. the discussion on σκάπτω.
    Page in Frisk: 2,728-729

    Greek-English etymological dictionary (Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά ετυμολογική λεξικό) > σκήπτομαι

  • 9 mount

    1. verb
    1) to get or climb up (on or on to):

    She mounted (the horse) and rode off.

    يَمْتَطي، يَعْتَلي
    2) to rise in level:

    Prices are mounting steeply.

    3) to put (a picture etc) into a frame, or stick it on to card etc.
    يَضَع الصّورَه في الإطار
    4) to hang or put up on a stand, support etc:

    He mounted the tiger's head on the wall.

    يَنْصُب، يَضَع
    5) to organize:

    to mount an exhibition.

    يُنَظِّم، يَقوم بِهُجوم
    2. noun
    1) a thing or animal that one rides, especially a horse.
    مَطِيَّه، فَرَس، حِصان
    2) a support or backing on which anything is placed for display:

    Would this picture look better on a red mount or a black one?

    سِناد، جِهاز تَثْبيت

    Arabic-English dictionary > mount

  • 10 Mittel

    Adj.; nur präd.; umg. (mäßig) (fair to) middling, so-so; in der Schule war ich nur (so) mittel I wasn’t better than average at school; sein neuester Roman ist höchstens mittel his latest novel is at best run-of-the-mill
    * * *
    das Mittel
    (Durchschnitt) average; mean;
    (Hilfsmittel) vehicle; means; remedy; resource; medium;
    (Medikament) medicine; cure;
    die Mittel
    (Geld) means (Pl.); resources (Pl.); funds (Pl.); wealth (Pl.)
    * * *
    Mịt|tel ['mɪtl]
    nt -s, -
    1) (MATH = Durchschnitt) average

    im Mittelon average

    arithmetisches/geometrisches Mittel — arithmetical/geometrical mean

    2) (= Mittel zum Zweck, Transportmittel etc) means sing; (= Maßnahme, Methode) way, method; (= Werbemittel, Propagandamittel, zur Verkehrsbeeinflussung) device; (= Lehrmittel) aid

    Mittel und Wege findento find ways and means

    Mittel gegen die Inflationways of beating inflation

    zu anderen Mitteln greifen, andere Mittel anwenden — to use or employ other means or methods

    ihm ist jedes Mittel rechthe will do anything (to achieve his ends)

    ihm war jedes Mittel recht, dazu war ihm jedes Mittel recht — he did not care how he did it or what means he used to achieve his ends

    etw mit allen Mitteln verhindern/bekämpfen — to do one's utmost or to do everything one can to prevent/oppose sth

    sie hat mit allen Mitteln gekämpft, um... — she fought tooth and nail to...

    3) pl (= Geldmittel) funds pl, resources pl; (= Privatmittel) means pl, resources pl
    4) (=Medikament kosmetisch) preparation; (MED) drug, preparation; (= Medizin) medicine; (= Putzmittel) cleaning agent; (= Fleckenmittel) spot or stain remover; (= Waschmittel) detergent; (= Haarwaschmittel) shampoo

    welches Mittel nimmst du? — what do you use?; (Med

    ein Mittel zum Einreiben (flüssig)something or a lotion to be rubbed in; (Salbe) an ointment to be rubbed in; (Creme) a cream to be rubbed in

    das ist ein Mittel gegen meine Erkältung/Schuppen — that is for my cold/dandruff

    ein Mittel ( gegen Kopfschmerzen/Husten etc) verschreiben lassen — to get the doctor to prescribe something (for headaches/a cough etc)

    es gibt kein Mittel gegen Schnupfenthere is no cure for the common cold

    das beste Mittel für or gegen etwthe best cure or remedy for sth

    5) (PHYS, CHEM = Medium) medium
    * * *
    1) (the instrument(s), method(s) etc by which a thing is, or may be, done or made to happen: By what means can we find out?) means
    2) (something by or through which an effect is produced: Air is the medium through which sound is carried.) medium
    3) (middle or average in size, quality etc: Would you like the small, medium or large packet?) medium
    4) ((usually in plural) something that gives help, support etc when needed; a supply; a means: We have used up all our resources; We haven't the resources at this school for teaching handicapped children.) resource
    * * *
    <-s, ->
    1. PHARM (Arznei) drug, remedy
    welches \Mittel nehmen Sie? what do you take?
    welches \Mittel hat der Arzt Ihnen verschrieben? what did the doctor give you?
    ein \Mittel gegen etw akk a cure [or remedy] for sth
    ich habe mir ein \Mittel gegen Migräne verschreiben lassen I got the doctor to prescribe me something for my migraine
    das ist ein \Mittel gegen Schuppen that is for dandruff
    es gibt kein \Mittel gegen Schnupfen there is no cure for the common cold
    ein \Mittel gegen Grippe a remedy [or cure] for influenza
    ein \Mittel gegen Schmerzen a pain reliever
    ein schmerzstillendes \Mittel a painkiller
    ein \Mittel zum Einreiben (flüssig) a lotion to be rubbed in; (Salbe) an ointment to be rubbed in
    ein \Mittel zum Entfernen von Flecken a stain remover
    ein \Mittel gegen Insekten an insect repellent
    ein \Mittel zur Reinigung von Teppichen a cleaning agent for carpets
    ein \Mittel gegen Ungeziefer a pesticide
    3. (Hilfsmittel) device
    ein \Mittel um Wasser zu sparen a water-saving device
    ein \Mittel zur Empfängnisverhütung a contraceptive device
    ein rhetorisches/stilistisches \Mittel a rhetorical/stylistic device
    4. (Methode) method, means sing, way usu pl
    es gibt \Mittel, das herauszufinden there are ways of finding that out
    er ist in der Wahl seiner \Mittel nicht zimperlich he is not fussy about what methods he chooses
    mit allen \Mitteln by every means
    sie hat mit allen \Mitteln gekämpft, um... she fought tooth and nail to...
    als äußerstes [o letztes] \Mittel as a last resort
    Streikmaßnahmen sollten als äußerstes \Mittel angesehen werden strike action should be regarded as the last resort
    sie haben zum äußersten \Mittel gegriffen und ihm Hausverbot erteilt as a last resort they forbid him to enter the house
    etw mit allen \Mitteln bekämpfen/zu verhindern versuchen to do one's utmost [or everything one can] to oppose/prevent sth
    ein \Mittel haben, [um] etw zu tun to have ways [or means] of doing sth
    wir haben \Mittel, um ihn zum Reden zu bringen we have ways of making him talk
    jdm ist jedes \Mittel recht sb will go to any length[s] [or stop at nothing]
    kein \Mittel unversucht lassen to leave no stone unturned, to try everything
    mit allen \Mitteln versuchen, etw zu tun to try one's utmost to do sth
    \Mittel und Wege finden to find ways and means
    \Mittel und Wege suchen to look for ways and means
    ein \Mittel zum Zweck sein to be a means to an end
    5. pl (Geldmittel) funds pl [or resources] pl; (Privatmittel a.) [financial] means pl
    meine \Mittel sind erschöpft my funds are exhausted
    zum Glück verfüge ich dazu noch über ausreichende \Mittel thankfully, I've got enough funds left to cover that
    von seinen bescheidenen \Mitteln kann er kaum die Miete zahlen with his modest means he can hardly pay the rent
    \Mittel abstoßen FIN to liquidate resources
    \Mittel aufbringen/binden/kürzen FIN to raise/tie up/cut funds
    beschränkte/flüssige \Mittel FIN limited resources/liquid assets
    etw aus eigenen \Mitteln bezahlen to pay for sth out of one's own resources
    mit [o aus] öffentlichen \Mitteln from public funds
    6. (Mittelwert) average
    arithmetisches/geometrisches \Mittel MATH arithmetic/geometric mean
    gewichtetes \Mittel weighted average
    im \Mittel on average
    etw im \Mittel erreichen to average [at] sth
    * * *
    das; Mittels, Mittel
    1) means sing.; (Methode) way; method; (WerbeMittel, PropagandaMittel, zur Verkehrskontrolle) device (+ Gen. for)

    mit allen Mitteln versuchen, etwas zu tun — try by every means to do something

    [nur] Mittel zum Zweck sein — be [just] a means to an end

    Mittel und Wege suchen/finden — look for/find ways and means

    ein Mittel gegen Husten/Schuppen — usw. a remedy or cure for coughs pl./dandruff sing. etc.

    ein Mittel gegen Ungeziefer/Insekten — a pesticide/an insect repellent

    4) Plural (GeldMittel) funds; [financial] resources; (PrivatMittel) means; resources
    * * *
    Mittel1 n; -s, -
    1. (Hilfsmittel) means sg (
    zu, um zu +inf of +ger); (Verfahren) method (for +ger), way (of +ger); (Ausweg) expedient; fig (Werkzeug) tool, device; (Waffe) weapon;
    als letztes Mittel, wenn alle Mittel versagen as a last resort, if all else fails;
    ihm ist jedes Mittel recht he’ll stop at nothing, he’ll go to any length(s);
    Mittel und Wege finden/suchen find/look for ways and means (
    zu, um zu +inf to +inf);
    über die Mittel verfügen(, um) zu (+inf) auch be in a position to (+inf)
    kein Mittel unversucht lassen try every possible means ( oder avenue), leave no stone unturned;
    etwas mit allen Mitteln tun go to great lengths ( oder do one’s utmost) to do sth;
    ich habs mit allen Mitteln versucht I tried everything (possible); Zweck
    2. (Heilmittel) cure, remedy (
    gegen for); (Medizin) medicine; (Tabletten) tablets pl;
    ein Mittel zum Einreiben an ointment (to be rubbed in);
    ein Mittel gegen Kopfschmerzen/gegen Fußpilz etc something for a headache/for athlete’s foot etc;
    ein starkes Mittel a strong medicine
    ein starkes Mittel (gegen) a powerful agent (against);
    ein Mittel zum Entfernen von Teer/Haaren a tar remover/a depilatory agent
    4. pl (Reserven) auch geistige: resources; (Geldmittel, Kapital) means, funds;
    Geld aus öffentlichen/privaten Mitteln money from the public purse/from private sources, public/private money;
    meine Mittel erlauben es nicht it’s beyond my means
    Mittel2 n; -s, - (Durchschnitt) average; (Mittelwert) mean;
    im Mittel on average;
    arithmetisches/geometrisches Mittel MATH arithmetic/geometric mean
    * * *
    das; Mittels, Mittel
    1) means sing.; (Methode) way; method; (WerbeMittel, PropagandaMittel, zur Verkehrskontrolle) device (+ Gen. for)

    mit allen Mitteln versuchen, etwas zu tun — try by every means to do something

    [nur] Mittel zum Zweck sein — be [just] a means to an end

    Mittel und Wege suchen/finden — look for/find ways and means

    ein Mittel gegen Husten/Schuppen — usw. a remedy or cure for coughs pl./dandruff sing. etc.

    ein Mittel gegen Ungeziefer/Insekten — a pesticide/an insect repellent

    4) Plural (GeldMittel) funds; [financial] resources; (PrivatMittel) means; resources
    * * *
    - n.
    agency n.
    means n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Mittel

  • 11 anbringen

    v/t (unreg., trennb., hat -ge-)
    2. (befestigen) (an + Dat) fix (to), fasten (to); TECH. und Am. attach (to); (Schilder etc.) put up, mount (on)
    3. WIRTS. (Ware) sell
    4. (Gründe etc.) present; gesprächsweise: mention; (Wort, Witz etc.) get in; (sein Wissen) display, show off; (Verbesserungen etc.) make, carry out; eine Beschwerde anbringen lodge a complaint
    5. umg. anbekommen
    * * *
    to fix up; to affix; to attach
    * * *
    vt sep
    1) (= befestigen) to fix, to fasten (
    an +dat (on)to); (= aufstellen, aufhängen) to put up; Telefon, Feuermelder etc to put in, to install; Stiel an Besen to put on; Beschläge, Hufeisen to mount; Komma to insert
    2) (= äußern) Bemerkung, Bitte, Gesuch, Beschwerde to make (bei to); Kenntnisse, Wissen to display; Argument to use

    er konnte seine Kritik nicht mehr anbringenhe couldn't get his criticism in

    auch angebracht
    3) (= hierherbringen) to bring (with one); (nach Hause) to bring home (with one)
    4) (inf = loswerden) Ware to get rid of (inf)
    5) (inf = anbekommen) to (manage to) get on; Feuer to (manage to) get going
    * * *
    2) (to put (something) in position: You must fit a new lock on the door.) fit
    3) (to attach; to join: He fixed the shelf to the wall.) fix
    4) (to hang or put up on a stand, support etc: He mounted the tiger's head on the wall.) mount
    * * *
    etw [an etw dat] \anbringen to hang sth [on sth], to fix sth [to sth]
    Beschläge \anbringen to attach [or mount] fittings
    ein Gerät \anbringen to install a piece of equipment
    ein Regal \anbringen to put up a shelf
    etw \anbringen to introduce [or mention] sth
    etw [bei jdm] \anbringen to make sth [to sb]
    etw [in etw dat] \anbringen to make use of sth [in sth], to put sth to good use
    6. (fam: herbeibringen)
    jdn/etw \anbringen to bring sb/sth [along]
    7. (fam)
    etw [bei jdm] \anbringen to sell [or sl flog] sth [to sb]
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb
    1) (befestigen) put up <sign, aerial, curtain, plaque> (an + Dat. on); fix <lamp, camera> (an + Dat. [on] to)

    an etwas (Dat.) angebracht sein — be fixed [on] to something

    2) (äußern) make <request, complaint, comment, reference>
    3) (zeigen) display, demonstrate <knowledge, experience>
    4) (ugs.): (herbeibringen) bring
    5) (ugs.): (verkaufen) sell; move
    * * *
    anbringen v/t (irr, trennb, hat -ge-)
    an +dat) fix (to), fasten (to); TECH und US attach (to); (Schilder etc) put up, mount (on)
    3. WIRTSCH (Ware) sell
    4. (Gründe etc) present; gesprächsweise: mention; (Wort, Witz etc) get in; (sein Wissen) display, show off; (Verbesserungen etc) make, carry out;
    eine Beschwerde anbringen lodge a complaint
    5. umg anbekommen
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb
    1) (befestigen) put up <sign, aerial, curtain, plaque> (an + Dat. on); fix <lamp, camera> (an + Dat. [on] to)

    an etwas (Dat.) angebracht sein — be fixed [on] to something

    2) (äußern) make <request, complaint, comment, reference>
    3) (zeigen) display, demonstrate <knowledge, experience>
    4) (ugs.): (herbeibringen) bring
    5) (ugs.): (verkaufen) sell; move
    * * *
    to add v.
    to affix v.
    to attach v.
    to mount v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > anbringen

  • 12 lau

    I Adj.
    1. (Flüssigkeit) lukewarm; nicht warm genug: auch tepid; Luft, Wetter: mild; das Badewasser sollte lau sein the bathwater should be lukewarm; es war ein lauer Abend it was a balmy evening
    2. fig. (halbherzig) half-hearted; Applaus, Freundschaft etc.: auch lukewarm; (dürftig) (Geschäfte, Nachfrage) slack; die Umsätze sind zurzeit lau turnover is slow at the moment
    3. Dial.: für lau for nothing, free
    II Adv.
    1. der Wind weht lau aus Südwest a balmy wind is blowing from the southwest
    2. fig. half-heartedly; die Geschäfte gehen lau business is slack
    * * *
    lukewarm; tepid
    * * *
    1. adj
    1) (= mild) Wind, Abend mild
    2) (= lauwarm) Flüssigkeit tepid, lukewarm; (fig) Freundschaft, Begeisterung, Haltung lukewarm, half-hearted
    2. adv
    1) (= mild) wehen gently
    2) (fig) empfangen, behandeln half-heartedly
    * * *
    1) (slightly warm: lukewarm water.) lukewarm
    2) ((of eg interest, support etc) not very enthusiastic.) lukewarm
    4) (not very enthusiastic: a tepid welcome.) tepid
    * * *
    1. (mild) mild
    2. (lauwarm) lukewarm; (mäßig) moderate
    3. (halbherzig) lukewarm, half-hearted
    für \lau DIAL (fam) for nothing [or free]
    * * *
    1) tepid, lukewarm <water etc.>; (nicht mehr kalt) warm <beer etc.>
    2) (mild) mild < wind, air, evening, etc.>; mild and gentle < rain>
    3) (unentschlossen) lukewarm; half-hearted
    * * *
    A. adj
    1. (Flüssigkeit) lukewarm; nicht warm genug: auch tepid; Luft, Wetter: mild;
    das Badewasser sollte lau sein the bathwater should be lukewarm;
    es war ein lauer Abend it was a balmy evening
    2. fig (halbherzig) half-hearted; Applaus, Freundschaft etc: auch lukewarm; (dürftig) (Geschäfte, Nachfrage) slack;
    die Umsätze sind zurzeit lau turnover is slow at the moment
    3. dial:
    für lau for nothing, free
    B. adv
    der Wind weht lau aus Südwest a balmy wind is blowing from the southwest
    2. fig half-heartedly;
    die Geschäfte gehen lau business is slack
    * * *
    1) tepid, lukewarm <water etc.>; (nicht mehr kalt) warm <beer etc.>
    2) (mild) mild <wind, air, evening, etc.>; mild and gentle < rain>
    3) (unentschlossen) lukewarm; half-hearted
    * * *
    tepid adj. adv.
    lukewarmly adv.
    tepidly adv.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > lau

  • 13 mittel

    Adj.; nur präd.; umg. (mäßig) (fair to) middling, so-so; in der Schule war ich nur (so) mittel I wasn’t better than average at school; sein neuester Roman ist höchstens mittel his latest novel is at best run-of-the-mill
    * * *
    das Mittel
    (Durchschnitt) average; mean;
    (Hilfsmittel) vehicle; means; remedy; resource; medium;
    (Medikament) medicine; cure;
    die Mittel
    (Geld) means (Pl.); resources (Pl.); funds (Pl.); wealth (Pl.)
    * * *
    Mịt|tel ['mɪtl]
    nt -s, -
    1) (MATH = Durchschnitt) average

    im Mittelon average

    arithmetisches/geometrisches Mittel — arithmetical/geometrical mean

    2) (= Mittel zum Zweck, Transportmittel etc) means sing; (= Maßnahme, Methode) way, method; (= Werbemittel, Propagandamittel, zur Verkehrsbeeinflussung) device; (= Lehrmittel) aid

    Mittel und Wege findento find ways and means

    Mittel gegen die Inflationways of beating inflation

    zu anderen Mitteln greifen, andere Mittel anwenden — to use or employ other means or methods

    ihm ist jedes Mittel rechthe will do anything (to achieve his ends)

    ihm war jedes Mittel recht, dazu war ihm jedes Mittel recht — he did not care how he did it or what means he used to achieve his ends

    etw mit allen Mitteln verhindern/bekämpfen — to do one's utmost or to do everything one can to prevent/oppose sth

    sie hat mit allen Mitteln gekämpft, um... — she fought tooth and nail to...

    3) pl (= Geldmittel) funds pl, resources pl; (= Privatmittel) means pl, resources pl
    4) (=Medikament kosmetisch) preparation; (MED) drug, preparation; (= Medizin) medicine; (= Putzmittel) cleaning agent; (= Fleckenmittel) spot or stain remover; (= Waschmittel) detergent; (= Haarwaschmittel) shampoo

    welches Mittel nimmst du? — what do you use?; (Med

    ein Mittel zum Einreiben (flüssig)something or a lotion to be rubbed in; (Salbe) an ointment to be rubbed in; (Creme) a cream to be rubbed in

    das ist ein Mittel gegen meine Erkältung/Schuppen — that is for my cold/dandruff

    ein Mittel ( gegen Kopfschmerzen/Husten etc) verschreiben lassen — to get the doctor to prescribe something (for headaches/a cough etc)

    es gibt kein Mittel gegen Schnupfenthere is no cure for the common cold

    das beste Mittel für or gegen etwthe best cure or remedy for sth

    5) (PHYS, CHEM = Medium) medium
    * * *
    1) (the instrument(s), method(s) etc by which a thing is, or may be, done or made to happen: By what means can we find out?) means
    2) (something by or through which an effect is produced: Air is the medium through which sound is carried.) medium
    3) (middle or average in size, quality etc: Would you like the small, medium or large packet?) medium
    4) ((usually in plural) something that gives help, support etc when needed; a supply; a means: We have used up all our resources; We haven't the resources at this school for teaching handicapped children.) resource
    * * *
    <-s, ->
    1. PHARM (Arznei) drug, remedy
    welches \Mittel nehmen Sie? what do you take?
    welches \Mittel hat der Arzt Ihnen verschrieben? what did the doctor give you?
    ein \Mittel gegen etw akk a cure [or remedy] for sth
    ich habe mir ein \Mittel gegen Migräne verschreiben lassen I got the doctor to prescribe me something for my migraine
    das ist ein \Mittel gegen Schuppen that is for dandruff
    es gibt kein \Mittel gegen Schnupfen there is no cure for the common cold
    ein \Mittel gegen Grippe a remedy [or cure] for influenza
    ein \Mittel gegen Schmerzen a pain reliever
    ein schmerzstillendes \Mittel a painkiller
    ein \Mittel zum Einreiben (flüssig) a lotion to be rubbed in; (Salbe) an ointment to be rubbed in
    ein \Mittel zum Entfernen von Flecken a stain remover
    ein \Mittel gegen Insekten an insect repellent
    ein \Mittel zur Reinigung von Teppichen a cleaning agent for carpets
    ein \Mittel gegen Ungeziefer a pesticide
    3. (Hilfsmittel) device
    ein \Mittel um Wasser zu sparen a water-saving device
    ein \Mittel zur Empfängnisverhütung a contraceptive device
    ein rhetorisches/stilistisches \Mittel a rhetorical/stylistic device
    4. (Methode) method, means sing, way usu pl
    es gibt \Mittel, das herauszufinden there are ways of finding that out
    er ist in der Wahl seiner \Mittel nicht zimperlich he is not fussy about what methods he chooses
    mit allen \Mitteln by every means
    sie hat mit allen \Mitteln gekämpft, um... she fought tooth and nail to...
    als äußerstes [o letztes] \Mittel as a last resort
    Streikmaßnahmen sollten als äußerstes \Mittel angesehen werden strike action should be regarded as the last resort
    sie haben zum äußersten \Mittel gegriffen und ihm Hausverbot erteilt as a last resort they forbid him to enter the house
    etw mit allen \Mitteln bekämpfen/zu verhindern versuchen to do one's utmost [or everything one can] to oppose/prevent sth
    ein \Mittel haben, [um] etw zu tun to have ways [or means] of doing sth
    wir haben \Mittel, um ihn zum Reden zu bringen we have ways of making him talk
    jdm ist jedes \Mittel recht sb will go to any length[s] [or stop at nothing]
    kein \Mittel unversucht lassen to leave no stone unturned, to try everything
    mit allen \Mitteln versuchen, etw zu tun to try one's utmost to do sth
    \Mittel und Wege finden to find ways and means
    \Mittel und Wege suchen to look for ways and means
    ein \Mittel zum Zweck sein to be a means to an end
    5. pl (Geldmittel) funds pl [or resources] pl; (Privatmittel a.) [financial] means pl
    meine \Mittel sind erschöpft my funds are exhausted
    zum Glück verfüge ich dazu noch über ausreichende \Mittel thankfully, I've got enough funds left to cover that
    von seinen bescheidenen \Mitteln kann er kaum die Miete zahlen with his modest means he can hardly pay the rent
    \Mittel abstoßen FIN to liquidate resources
    \Mittel aufbringen/binden/kürzen FIN to raise/tie up/cut funds
    beschränkte/flüssige \Mittel FIN limited resources/liquid assets
    etw aus eigenen \Mitteln bezahlen to pay for sth out of one's own resources
    mit [o aus] öffentlichen \Mitteln from public funds
    6. (Mittelwert) average
    arithmetisches/geometrisches \Mittel MATH arithmetic/geometric mean
    gewichtetes \Mittel weighted average
    im \Mittel on average
    etw im \Mittel erreichen to average [at] sth
    * * *
    das; Mittels, Mittel
    1) means sing.; (Methode) way; method; (WerbeMittel, PropagandaMittel, zur Verkehrskontrolle) device (+ Gen. for)

    mit allen Mitteln versuchen, etwas zu tun — try by every means to do something

    [nur] Mittel zum Zweck sein — be [just] a means to an end

    Mittel und Wege suchen/finden — look for/find ways and means

    ein Mittel gegen Husten/Schuppen — usw. a remedy or cure for coughs pl./dandruff sing. etc.

    ein Mittel gegen Ungeziefer/Insekten — a pesticide/an insect repellent

    4) Plural (GeldMittel) funds; [financial] resources; (PrivatMittel) means; resources
    * * *
    mittel adj; nur präd; umg (mäßig) (fair to) middling, so-so;
    in der Schule war ich nur (so) mittel I wasn’t better than average at school;
    sein neuester Roman ist höchstens mittel his latest novel is at best run-of-the-mill
    * * *
    das; Mittels, Mittel
    1) means sing.; (Methode) way; method; (WerbeMittel, PropagandaMittel, zur Verkehrskontrolle) device (+ Gen. for)

    mit allen Mitteln versuchen, etwas zu tun — try by every means to do something

    [nur] Mittel zum Zweck sein — be [just] a means to an end

    Mittel und Wege suchen/finden — look for/find ways and means

    ein Mittel gegen Husten/Schuppen — usw. a remedy or cure for coughs pl./dandruff sing. etc.

    ein Mittel gegen Ungeziefer/Insekten — a pesticide/an insect repellent

    4) Plural (GeldMittel) funds; [financial] resources; (PrivatMittel) means; resources
    * * *
    - n.
    agency n.
    means n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > mittel

  • 14 ALA

    (el, ól, ólum, alinn), v.
    1) to beget; born ólu þau, they begat children; börn þau, er hann elr við þeirri konu, begets by that woman;
    2) to bear, give birth to (þóra ól barn um sumarit); börn þau óll, er alin eru fyrir jól, who are born before Christmas; alnir ok úalnir (= úbornir), born and unborn, present and future generations;
    3) to bring up (children); ala skal barn hvert er borit verðr, every child that is born shall be brought up; adding the particle ‘upp’ skal eigi upp alla, heldr út bera arn þetta, this child shall not be brought up, but be exposed to perish; of animals, to rear, breed (einn smásauð, er hann ól heima í húsi sínu);
    4) to give food to, harbour, entertain (ala gest ok ganganda); guð elr gesti, God pays for the guests;
    5) fig. in various phrases; ala aldr, ala aldr sinn, to pass one’s days; a. sút to grieve, mourn (= sýta); a. önn of e-t or at e-u, to take care of, see to; a. e-t eptir e-m, to give one encouragement in a thing (ól hann eptir engum mönnum ódáðir); a. á mál, to press or urge a matter (nú elr Gunnarr á málit við þórð ok segir).
    * * *
    ól, ólu, alið; pres. el, [Ulf. a single time uses the partic. alans = εντρεφόμενος, and twice a weak verb aliþs = σιτευτός, a fatling. The word seems alien to other Teut. idioms, but in Lat. we find alere; cp. the Shetland word alie, to nourish.] Gener. to give birth to, nourish, support, etc.
    I. to bear, esp. of the mother; but also of both parents; rarely of the father alone, to beget: börn ólu þau, they begat children, Rm. 12; þat barn er þau ala skal eigi arf taka, Grág. i. 178: of the father alone, enda eru börn þau eigi arfgeng, er hann elr við þeirri konu, which be begets by that woman, 181; but esp. of the mother, to bear, give birth to; jóð ól Amma, Rm. 7; þóra ól barn um sumarit, Eg. 166, Fms. iv. 32, i. 14; hon fær eigi alit barnit, Fas. i. 118.
    β. metaph. to produce, give rise to; en nú elr hverr þessara stafa níu annan staf undir sér, Skálda 162.
    2. pass. to be born, begotten; börn þau öll er alin eru fyrir jól, who are born, N. G. L. i.; 377; the phrase, alnir ok úbornir, born and unborn, present and future generations, has now become aldir ok óbornir; eigu þau börn er þar alask ( who are born there) at taka arf út hingat, Grág. i. 181; barn hvert skal færa til kirkju sem alit er, every child that is born, K. Þ. K. 1; ef barn elsk svá naer páskum, is born, 16.
    β. of animals (rarely), justus heitir forað, þat elsk ( is engendered) í kviði eins dýrs, 655 xxx. 4.
    II. to nourish, support, Lat. alere:
    1. esp. to bring up, of children; the Christian Jus Eccl., in opposition to the heathen custom of exposing children, begins with the words, ala skal barn hvert er borit verðr, every child that is born shall be brought up, K. Á. ch. 1.
    β. adding the particle upp; skal eigi upp ala, heldr skal út bera barn þetta, this bairn shall not be brought up, but rather be borne out (i. e. exposed to perish), Finnb. 112.
    2. to feed, give food to, harbour, entertain; ala gest ok ganganda, guests; ala þurfamenn, the poor, D. in deeds of gift; en sá maðr er þar býr skal ala menn alla þá er hann hyggr til góðs at alnir sé, he shall harbour them, D. i. 169; ala hvern at ósekju er vill. to harbour, 200; Guð elf gesti (a proverb), God pays for the guests, Bs. i. 247; sótt elr sjúkan, fever is the food of the sick; utanhrepps göngumenn skal enga ala, ok eigi gefa mat, hvárki meira né minna, gangrels of an outlying district shall none of them be harboured, nor have meat given them, neither more nor less, Grág. i. 293, 117.
    β. of animals, to nourish, breed; einn smásauð er hann ól heima í húsi sínu, one pet lamb which he had reared at home in his own house, Stj. 516; segir allæliligan, ok kvað verða mundu ágæta naut ef upp væri alinn, of a live calf, Eb. 318. 2. pass, to be brought tip, educated; ólusk ( grew up) í ætt þar, æstir kappar (or were born), Hdl. 18; alask upp, to be brought up; hence uppeldi, n.
    III. metaph. in such phrases as, ala aldr sinn, vitam degere, to pass one’s days, Bárð. 165: the phrase, ala e-t eptir e-m, to give one encouragement in a thing, bring one tip in, esp. in a bad sense; ól hann eptir engum manni ódáðir, Joh. 625. 93: ala á mál, to persist in, urge on a thing; karl elr á málið ( begs hard) at Gunnar mundi til hans fara, Sd. 172, Ísl. ii. 133, 163:—the present phrase is, að ala e-t við e-n, to bear a grudge against…; and in a negative sense, ala ekki, to let bygones be bygones: ala önn fyrir, to provide for: a. öfund, sorg, um e-t, to grudge, feel pang (poët.), etc.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > ALA

  • 15 П-641

    ПУТЁВКА В ЖИЗНЬ rather lit or media NP sing only often obj of давать/дать fixed WO
    sth. (an institution, organization, s.o. 's support etc) that helps a person to begin functioning independently and successfully, sth.
    s.o. 's professional approval, backing etc) that helps (a project, undertaking etc) to be implemented, adopted, developed etc: (give s.o. (sth.» a start in life.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > П-641

  • 16 путевка в жизнь

    [NP; sing only; often obj of давать/дать; fixed WO]
    sth. (an institution, organization, s.o.'s support etc) that helps a person to begin functioning independently and successfully, sth. (s.o.'s professional approval, backing etc) that helps (a project, undertaking etc) to be implemented, adopted, developed etc:
    - (give s.o. < sth.>) a start in life.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > путевка в жизнь

  • 17 Ш-43

    ВИСЕТЬ (ПОВИСНУТЬ) НА ШЕЕ у кого coll VP subj: human
    1. ( usu. in refer, to a smaller person embracing a taller, stronger etc one) to wrap one's arms around s.o. 's neck in an embrace and continue to embrace him for some time (expressing affection, joy etc)
    X висит у Y-a на шее - X hangs (up)on Y's neck
    X повис на шее у Y-a = X threw his arms around Y (around Y's neck)
    X threw himself on Y's neck.
    2. disapprov to burden s.o. by being dependent on him for care, monetary support etc: X висит у Y-a на шее — X is a (heavy) burden to (on) Y
    X is a millstone around Y's neck.
    Прожить на свою пенсию Иван Петрович не мог, и он устроился на работу, чтобы не висеть на шее у детей. Ivan Petrov ichs pension wasn't enough to live on, and he got himself a job so that he wouldn't be a burden on his children.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Ш-43

  • 18 висеть на шее

    ВИСЕТЬ (ПОВИСНУТЬ) НА ШЕЕ у кого coll
    [VP; subj: human]
    1. (usu. in refer, to a smaller person embracing a taller, stronger etc one) to wrap one's arms around s.o.'s neck in an embrace and continue to embrace him for some time (expressing affection, joy etc):
    - X висит у Y-а на шее X hangs (up)on Y's neck;
    - X threw himself on Y's neck.
    2. disapprov to burden s.o. by being dependent on him for care, monetary support etc:
    - X висит у Y-а на шее X is a (heavy) burden to (on) Y;
    - X is a millstone around Y's neck.
         ♦ Прожить на свою пенсию Иван Петрович не мог, и он устроился на работу, чтобы не висеть на шее у детей. Ivan Petrovich's pension wasn't enough to live on, and he got himself a job so that he wouldn't be a burden on his children.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > висеть на шее

  • 19 повиснуть на шее

    ВИСЕТЬ (ПОВИСНУТЬ) НА ШЕЕ у кого coll
    [VP; subj: human]
    1. (usu. in refer, to a smaller person embracing a taller, stronger etc one) to wrap one's arms around s.o.'s neck in an embrace and continue to embrace him for some time (expressing affection, joy etc):
    - X висит у Y-а на шее X hangs (up)on Y's neck;
    - X threw himself on Y's neck.
    2. disapprov to burden s.o. by being dependent on him for care, monetary support etc:
    - X висит у Y-а на шее X is a (heavy) burden to (on) Y;
    - X is a millstone around Y's neck.
         ♦ Прожить на свою пенсию Иван Петрович не мог, и он устроился на работу, чтобы не висеть на шее у детей. Ivan Petrovich's pension wasn't enough to live on, and he got himself a job so that he wouldn't be a burden on his children.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > повиснуть на шее

  • 20 Ш-45

    СИДЕТЬ НА ШЁЕ чьей (НА ГОРБУ чьём), у кого ЖИТЬ НА ШЕЕ all coll, disapprov VP subj: human to burden s.o. by being dependent on him for care, monetary support etc: X сидит у Y-a на шее - X is a (heavy) burden to (on) Y X is a millstone around Y's neck X hangs (a)round Y's neck (in limited contexts) X lives off Y.
    ...Работать (отцу) надо, содержать семью надо, нельзя с женой и детьми сидеть на шее у дедушки Рахленко (Рыбаков 1)....He (father) had to work, he had his family to support and he couldn't let himself and his wife and children hang round grandfather Rakhlenko's neck (1a).
    Сами не вырабатывая ничего, кроме ненужных бумаг, они (важные лица) попрекали каждого входящего, будто именно он и живёт на шее у государства... (Войнович 4). Themselves producing nothing but useless paper, they (important people) reproached each caller as if it were he precisely who was living off the state... (4a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Ш-45

См. также в других словарях:

  • support — [ sypɔr ] n. m. • 1466; de 1. supporter 1 ♦ Vx Le fait, l action de supporter, d aider. ⇒ soutien. ♢ Le fait de subir. « Le support des imperfections d autrui » (Fénelon). ⇒ 1. supporter. 2 ♦ (XVIe) Mod. Ce qui supporte; ce sur quoi une chose… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • support — [sə pôrt′] vt. [ME supporten < MFr supporter < LL(Ec) supportare, to endure, bear < L, to carry, bring to a place < sub ,SUB + portare, to carry: see PORT3] 1. a) to carry or bear the weight of; keep from falling, slipping or sinking; …   English World dictionary

  • Support System — is a term in Network Marketing to provide supporting tools and education for distributors in establishing their business network. Since network marketing membership is open for everyone (with restriction in age, must be over 17 years old),… …   Wikipedia

  • Support automation — is the name given to software platforms designed for technical support and service organizations to address problems and to achieve lower mean time to repair (MTTR) by automating problem prevention and resolution processes. Support automation… …   Wikipedia

  • Support our troops — ( fr. Appuyons nos troupes; [fr Canadian Forces Personnel Support Agency. [http://www.cfpsa.com/fr/corporate/newscentre/support/ Centre national d information] . Accessed 18 December 2007.] es. Apoyar nuestras tropas) is a slogan commonly used in …   Wikipedia

  • ETC Group — is an international organization dedicated to the conservation and sustainable advancement of cultural and ecological diversity and human rights. The full legal name is Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration. ETC is intended to be… …   Wikipedia

  • support price — ➔ price1 * * * support price UK US noun [C] ► ECONOMICS a price for something, for example for a food product, that is set by the government. If the real price falls below the support price, the government pays farmers, etc. the difference… …   Financial and business terms

  • Support d'information — ● Support d information tout élément sur lequel sont enregistrées des données (carte ou bande perforée, bande ou disque magnétique, etc.) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • support — sup|port1 W2S2 [səˈpo:t US o:rt] v [T] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(agree and help)¦ 2¦(be kind to somebody)¦ 3¦(provide money to live)¦ 4¦(give money to something)¦ 5¦(hold something up)¦ 6¦(prove something)¦ 7¦(sports team)¦ 8¦(computers)¦ 9¦(land)¦ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • support — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 help and encouragement ADJECTIVE ▪ complete, full, total ▪ firm, solid, strong ▪ The candidate enjoys the firm support of local industry …   Collocations dictionary

  • support — supportingly, adv. /seuh pawrt , pohrt /, v.t. 1. to bear or hold up (a load, mass, structure, part, etc.); serve as a foundation for. 2. to sustain or withstand (weight, pressure, strain, etc.) without giving way; serve as a prop for. 3. to… …   Universalium

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